Historical Development of the Conflict between Israel and Palestine
The conflict between Israel and Palestine is one of the most enduring and complicated conflicts in the modern world. One of the factors to the enduring conflicts lies in the shifting powers within the Palestine territories along with the historical impact of British involvement, the establishment of Israel, the contentious possession of the Baitul Muqaddas. and the portrayal of H/a/m/a/s in European discourse.
Never-ending historical conflict between Israel and Palestine started with the dynamic power shifting from Hazrat Omar ®, the righteous Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi to the British empire and the British conspiracy. History says traces of human was found from BC 6000 in Palestine. After the advent of Islam, the Byzantines fell at the hands of Hazrat Omor ® in 15 Hijri 636 AD and then the territory of Baitul Muqaddas, Jerusalem was won by Hazrat Omor ® without bloodshed. After various seditions, the Palestinians spent 1200 years in peace during this period. In 492 A.H. 1099 AD, Crusaders invaded Palestine with about 100,000 soldiers and captured Baitul Muqaddas after killing 7,000 Muslims and after taking possession they conducted a massacre of both Muslims and Jews, destroying their religious places of worship. After about 90–92 years in 583 A.H. 1187 A.D., Palestine came back to the Muslims in a bloodless treaty under the leadership of the righteous Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi and then the houses of worship of Muslims, Christians, Jews were freed. Again, After World War 1 in 1336 AH, the rights of the Palestinians passed from the Ottoman to the British. In these 30 years from 1917 to 1947 British took all measures to establish the state of Israel they took all the measures to get rid of the European Jews and their plan was to establish a long-term conflict in the Arab world to meet the goals of modern imperialism and the Zionists. That is why the responsibility of all the actions of Israel so far rests on the British.
The British plan and conspiracy paved the way for the creation of the Jewish state of Israel and then a brutal change in the fortunes of the Palestinians began with the wars of 1947, 1967 and 1973. British issued Balfour declaration. The British government hoped that the declaration would rally Jewish opinion, especially in the United States, to the side of the Allied powers against the Central Powers during World War I (1914–18). They hoped also that the settlement in Palestine of a pro-British Jewish population might help to protect the approaches to the Suez Canal in neighboring Egypt and thus ensure a vital communication route to British colonial possessions in India. Before the British period Jews numbered only 55,000 and owned only 2 percent of the land in Palestine. But in just 30 years they gathered Jews from all over the world and their number grew from 55,000 to about six million. They lied to the Palestinians and gave false assurances and then in November-29,1947 UN recognizes Israel. Then in the three wars of 1947, 67, 73 Israel with the clear co-operation of France, British and Europeans defeated all the Arab forces. Subsequently, in the initial phase, a substantial number of Palestinians in the history, more than 800,000 were forcibly displaced from their homeland by Jewish forces. Then, they made almost five million Palestinian refugees, the highest number in history, and they almost surrounded Palestine and created a terrorist state, Israel. After that, the history of about 70 years from 1947 till now is known to everyone. This history is the history of bloodshed and the history of terrorism.
On the other hand, one of the most highlighting factors is the contentious possession of the Baitul Muqaddas, and holy mosque of Al-Aqsa, which Jews claims as a historic Jewish temple, while it holds profound significance as the first Qibla of the Muslim ummah. There are several places in Al-Aqsa that hold historic significance for Muslim Jews and Christians. According to Islamic sources, the Quran (17:1) (‘Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al-Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing’. [The Noble Qur’an, 17:1]) indicates that Muhammad ﷺ was miraculously transported one night from Mecca (al-masjid al-haram, or “the sacred place of worship”) to this site in Jerusalem (al-masjid al-Aqsa, “the farther place of worship”). Al-Aqsa is the first qibla of Muslim. From sura Al- A’raf (137) وَاَوۡرَثۡنَا الۡـقَوۡمَ الَّذِيۡنَ كَانُوۡا يُسۡتَضۡعَفُوۡنَ مَشَارِقَ الۡاَرۡضِ وَمَغَارِبَهَا الَّتِىۡ بٰرَكۡنَا فِيۡهَا ؕ وَتَمَّتۡ كَلِمَتُ رَبِّكَ الۡحُسۡنٰى عَلٰى بَنِىۡۤ اِسۡرَاۤءِيۡلَۙ بِمَا صَبَرُوۡا ؕ وَدَمَّرۡنَا مَا كَانَ يَصۡنَعُ فِرۡعَوۡنُ وَقَوۡمُهٗ وَمَا كَانُوۡا يَعۡرِشُوۡنَ ﴿7:137﴾ (We made those who had been persecuted inherit the eastern and western lands which We had blessed.97 Thus your Lord’s gracious promise was fulfilled to the Children of Israel, for they had endured with patience; and We destroyed all that Pharaoh and his people had wrought, and all that they had built.). There are many references in Quran where this Baitul Muqaddas is mentioned as holy place for Muslim. Again, First Temple and the Second Temple, which refer to historical time periods when two different massive Jewish temples stood approximately where Al Aqsa Mosque is now located. Both temples were destroyed, and the main remnant is the outer western wall of the Second Temple courtyard, where people flock from all over the world to pray (known as the Wailing Wall, the Kotel, or the Western Wall). The first Temple was built in 1000 BC by King Solomon after King David conquered Jerusalem and made it his capital. The Temple was destroyed in 586 BC by Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon, when he conquered Jerusalem. In result, these are the historic reasons for that conflict.
In today’s world, most of what we see we see through the eyes of Europeans and believe what they see and say and using their propaganda they portrayed *H/a/m/a/s* as a t/errorist organization. The propaganda to establish the state of Israel started from the Iraq war in March 2003. In March 2003, U.S. forces invaded Iraq vowing to destroy Iraqi weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and end the dictatorial rule of Saddam Hussein. When WMD intelligence proved illusory and a violent insurgency arose, the war lost public support. Saddam was captured, tried, and hanged and democratic elections were held. In the years since, there have been over 4,700 U.S. and allied troop deaths, and more than one hundred thousand Iraqi civilians have been killed. That was a political issue but there wasn’t any evidence that proves there was Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. On an interview, the former US Secretary of State, who once publicly admitted that she thinks the deaths of half a million Iraqi children were ‘worth it’, was no force for ‘democracy and human rights.’ When the U.S army attacks for no reason that is called for “democracy” but when but when other fights for safety they are called terrorist. It happened with the ‘H/a/m/a/s’ also. H/a/m/a/s, considered a “t/errorist” group by the US and the European Union, is a rival of Abbas’s Fatah party. Hamas took over Gaza from the PA in 2007, after being blocked from exercising real power despite winning a parliamentary election the previous year. Hamas won parliamentary election in 2006 and the following year took control the Gaza Strip from Fatah’s Palestinian authority They won the democratic election but U.S overpowered them, as they did with The T/a/l/i/b/a/n and Israel is taking it as an advantage to occupy the Palestine. That is happening from the beginning.
In conclusion, the enduring conflicts in the Palestine territories are influenced by a combination of factors, including the shifting powers within the region, the historical legacy of British involvement, the establishment of Israel, the contentious possession of the Holy Mosque of Al-Aqsa, and the portrayal of H/a/m/a/s in European discourse. These elements have contributed to the complex and persistent nature of the conflicts in the area. However, the present state of Palestine is because of the negligence of the Ummah. When the Muslim Ummah will be united, In Sha Allah Baitul Muqaddas will be conquered again by another Salahuddin Ayyubi ®